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The Aquatic Banana Plant /Banana Lily is a very interesting looking begginner aquarium plant as it can tolerate a lot of conditions. Looks nice when used in aquascapes as it has interesting banana shaped roots yet looks very similar to a anubis plant. Planting these are slightly different than a regular plant, see below before purchase


Tanks With Areas Of Calm Water: In tanks with areas of calm water movement, a freshwater banana plant can be left to float just above the gravel or substrate. If left to float, the banana plant will grow roots from the stem area just above the tubers. Eventually, the roots will grow down, anchoring the plant into the substrate. The roots will be bright white at first, but once they anchor themselves into the substrate, the portion of the root exposed to the water and light will turn dark green and appear to “toughen-up”. The portion of the root that made its way into the substrate will remain white for a longer time.


Tanks With More Of A Current: In tanks with areas of stronger water current, hobbyists may be tempted to bury the tubers in the substrate to help keep the Aquarium Banana Plant in place. If this path is taken, its important to not bury any more than 1/4 inch of the tubers in the substrate.


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Aquatic Banana Plant /Banana Lily

  • Slow growing, low light plant

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