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Answers To Commonly Asked Questions

At BigBassAquatics, the complete satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. Check out some of our frequently asked questions below to get the information you’re looking for. Contact us with any other thoughts or questions.

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I Just Set Up My Tank And Have To Wait To Add Fish. Can I Add Plants While I Wait For My Tank To Cycle?

Absolutely! Live plants help to cycle a fish tank by absorbing ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Also, live plants increase oxygen in a fish tank which helps to increase the beneficial bacteria which is responsible to cycle a fish tank. With enough plants your tank will even be ready for fish sooner!

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Will Shipping Kill The Plants? What If I Receive My Plants And They're Already Dead?

Believe it or not, live aquarium plants can survive when packaged properly for anywhere between 3 days to a week depending on plant. We priority ship the plants to you so they get to you within 3 to 4 days at most & there is a tracking number provided so you know right when they get delivered and can plant soon as possible.

If the plant doesn't look as good as hoped on arrival, please message us a photo on day of arrival and we will give instructions on what could help it bounce back. Worst case, you get a new plant shipped free.

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Do I Need To Add Fertilizer? What Soil Should I Use?

There is no set answer to this question as the amount depends on several factors. In addition to the aquarium size, the amount of fish, the type of fish (many African Cichlids will uproot your plants) and if the substrate you choose has fertilizer already built into its ingredients.

Tons of research and advice from experienced fish keeper is your best help here.

I personally recommend Fluval Brand Plant and Shrimp Stratum as the entire substrate or main substrate with sand or smooth pebbles as a "cap" on top if planning to keep fish like Corydoras catfish with sensitive barbels. Message us with any questions about keeping your tank happy & healthy!

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